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Our democracy and the sacred right to vote are under a most severe attack. Nearly 400 voter restriction measures in 48 states have been proposed or passed, making it even harder for people of color, the elderly, and the poor to vote. This battle is far too big for one racial, ethnic, or faith group to fight alone. Therefore, we must band together with other allies in 2021-2022 intergenerational, multiracial, and interfaith voter protection campaign entitled Faiths United to Save Democracy.

It's Our Democracy. Let's Save it Together!

BACKGROUND:  The Faiths United to Save Democracy campaign is a product of the 2018 and 2020 Turnout Sunday/Lawyers & Collars Campaign, of clergy and lawyers working to protect vulnerable votes at the polls. It was coordinated through Skinner Leadership Institute’s National African American Clergy Network of denomination and independent churches in partnership with Sojourners, and the Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights.


WHAT WE BELIEVE: If we believe every person is created in the image of God, “Imago Dei,” then they deserve to vote in free and fair elections. Therefore, our political campaign has a theological base and a moral imperative to save democracy for everyone, across racial lines, and a faith infrastructure that has the spiritual power to unite all who say they are the people of God. What Dr, Martin Luther King Jr., Congressman John Lewis, and many leaders of the freedom struggle in America named as the “Beloved Community” is the moral foundation for our political battles for democracy.


CAMPAIGN GOAL: The campaign goal is to equip intergenerational Black, Latino, and Asian clergy together with Muslim and Jewish congregations with tools and resources to neutralize or defeat voter restrictions and suppression at the state level effectively. The campaign is a special call to white faith leaders of conscience to join the battle to ensure that no American, especially citizens of color, is denied the right to vote. The campaign will also educate clergy and multi-faith leaders on national voting rights legislation (For the People Act and John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act) to fully restore voting access through a robust media and social media campaign. The Faiths United to Save Democracy campaign will be focused on the Turnout Sunday/Lawyers & Collars Campaign States: AL, AZ, FL, GA, MI, NC, OH, PA, TX, and WI.  

VOTING MADE EASY: Tools and Resources



  • Who Do I Call If My Right To Vote Is Challenged, or I Suspect Misconduct at My Polling Place? 
    1-866-OUR-VOTE (Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights) 1-866-687-8683





  • How Do I Vote As A Member Of The Military? â€‹







Articles: Overcoming Voter Obstacles

MISSION: Faiths United to Save Democracy (FUSD) is a multi-racial, multi-faith, and intergenerational voter justice campaign. FUSD is a Turnout Sunday/Lawyers & Collars Voter Protection Campaign project. In 2020 Turnout Sunday/Lawyers & Collars brought together diverse clergy in sacred collars and election protection lawyers protecting primarily Black citizens at vulnerable voting sites. In 2020, over 400 new voter restriction laws and proposals in 49 states, many of them empowering state legislative takeover of voters, ignited the creation of the Faith United to Save Democracy campaign. The campaign is rooted in the belief that everyone is made in the image of God and deserves to vote for their convictions in free, fair, and safe elections.  


Voter Education







Phase I (January - March) | "What's at Stake?" and "Know Your Rights" Webinars - Voter Education. Voter Registration and Voter Identification Outreach. The webinars are the first attempt of the FUSD to build trust among diverse faith communities. Each diverse local community representative will share "What's At Stake?" in the election for their district. The election protects legal partners will provide partners with "Know Your Rights" training by sharing easy-to-understand state voting rules, voter registration, identification, and other voter guidelines. 


Phase II (April - June) | "We Are Watching" voter protection meetings will include state election officials and a small, representative group of 6-8 clergy leaders in each state.
The goal is for diverse clergy to alert state election officials that they will be monitoring the election process to ensure its integrity. They will also gather information on state voting rules and details that local clergy leaders need for a successful FUSD campaign.


Phase III (July - September) | Voter Mobilization & Turnout Action Planning. Summer Outreach Events. Entertainment, sports, and faith influencers will be engaged.  


Phase IV (October – November) | Voter Protection. Poll Chaplain and Clergy Legal Hotline Planning. For Early voting, the November and Midterm election, the campaign will mobilize diverse clergy in sacred collars at vulnerable polling sites based on Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights polling data. Local clergy will also develop their election day GOTV plan.

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The Faiths United to Save Democracy Voter Toolkit is a product of Skinner Leadership Institute in conjunction with listed partners. 

COPYRIGHT 2022. Skinner Leadership Institute | P.O. BOX 69311 Baltimore, MD 21264-9311 |  |
TURNOUT Sunday is a registered trademark of Skinner Leadership Institute

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